"Metzger Tackles New Challenges To Make The World Better For Others" - Ink Free News
This article highlights how Mason is working to obtain his driver’s license while simultaneously fundraising for a wheelchair-accessible van. In the article, it also describes various accessibility projects Mason tackled during his time Indiana Wesleyan University as part of creating his legacy.
"Mason Metzger, IWU Senior with Disability, Works to Get Driver’s License" - IWU Sojourn
This article was published by the Sojourn at Indiana Wesleyan University. The article describes Mason’s journey to obtain his driver’s license.
"MOTIVATIONAL MOMENTS: College student navigates working from home with a disability" - ABC 21 WTPA
This article, published in January 2021, describes Mason’s work-from-home experience as a person with a disability.
"Defining Purpose Through Challenge" - IWU Triangle Magazine
This article was published by the Triangle, Indiana Wesleyan University’s alumni magazine. The article describes Mason’s accessibility advocacy throughout his time at IWU and details how Mason had the opportunity to speak at a banquet honoring his friend, Ernie Johnson Jr.
"Grace College Students Participate In Council For Exceptional Children National Convention" - Ink Free News
This article describes how the School of Education at Grace College has one of the largest chapters for the Council for Exceptional Children. The article describes how Mason received an international award from the Council of Exceptional Children that year, recognizing his self-advocacy efforts as an undergraduate student at Indiana Wesleyan University.
"Warsaw native speaks in front of Indiana House of Representatives" - 95.3 MNC
This article highlights the fact that on January 10th, 2017, Mason had the opportunity to speak with representatives in the Indiana House. A resolution was made recognizing Mason’s strength and courage. He had the opportunity to speak about the importance of unity and being a voice for the people of the great state of Indiana.
Podcasts & Radio Interviews
"Mason Metzger Assistive Technology Update" - Easterseals Crossroads
In this podcast interview, Mason shares about the importance of assistive technology and how technology literally and figuratively opens doors for people with disabilities. He also describes the importance of accessibility advocacy and incorporating universal design into all aspects of society.